Yamal Airlines Checked Baggage Fees 2012 - Checked Bag Weight & Size Limits

Yamal Airlines Baggage Report Card

Carry-On Allowance7 / 10
Checked Bag Allowance7 / 10
Excess Baggage Fees7 / 10
Overall Grade7.0 / 10

Weight of the luggage (exclusive of hand-luggage) that can be taken aboard free of charge:
No more than 30kg for business-class passengers;
No more than 20kg for economy class passengers;
No more than 10kg for children under two who have no separate seat;

Charter flights may have different standards regarding free transportation of luggage.
For example, 40kg of luggage can be taken aboard free of charge by business class passengers that travel on flights lasting for more than four hours. [AMZ asins='B00LB7REFK,B082K8ZNQ1,B07ZWLQF9T,B00NW62PCA']

Free baggage allowance does not cover:
Passenger belongings (regardless of their descriptions and use), if packed their dimensions exceeding 0.5 x 0.5 x 1 m;
Equipment for skiing, golf and other sports;
Passenger belongings not carried in suitcases, bags, boxes, (regardless of their description and use) with weight of one piece exceeding 30 kg;
TV set, tape recorder, radio, PC, Home Appliances, Office equipment with weight of one piece more than 5 kg;
Plants, dried plants, tree branches and shrubs with total mass exceeding 5 kg;
Animals (domestic and wild) bees, birds and other creatures except for guide dogs accompanying blind people

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