Pluna Checked Baggage Fees 2018 - Checked Bag Weight & Size Limits

Pluna Baggage Report Card

Carry-On Allowance7 / 10
Checked Bag Allowance4 / 10
Excess Baggage Fees6 / 10
Overall Grade5.7 / 10

Each passenger may check up to 64 kilograms, in accordance with the following specifications:
Each passenger shall pay a fixed amount of USD 32 for the first 20 kg of baggage. This means that it is the weight, not the number of bags what is taken into account.

Exception list:
Passengers who buy “flexible fares” (booked in Y, B or M class service) will have a 100% discount off their first 20 kg of baggage. However, excess baggage charges will be collected if the bag weight exceeds pluna’s allowance. [AMZ asins='B00LB7REFK,B082K8ZNQ1,B07ZWLQF9T,B00NW62PCA']

Passengers buying tickets in Brazil get a 100% discount off their first 20 kg of baggage. However, excess baggage charges will be collected if the bag weight exceeds pluna’s allowance.

Passengers buying tickets in countries other than Brazil will be charged with their first 20kg of baggage in both the city of origin and destination. Excess baggage charges will be collected if the bag weight exceeds pluna’s allowance.

Groups of 10 or more people booked on the same reservation will not pay the charge for the first 20 kg of baggage.

Passengers travelling between Montevideo and Sao Paulo or between Sao Paulo and Montevideo (non-connecting) will be exempted from the charge for their first 23kg of baggage. However, excess baggage charges will be collected if the bag weight exceeds pluna’s allowance.

These conditions do not apply for passengers holding tickets with offline sectors. However, excess baggage charges will be collected if the bag weight exceeds pluna’s allowance.
As regards fast baggage, the allowance will be 12kg, and the passenger shall pay USD 32.

*This allowance and charge table only applies to Pluna-operated routes. Connecting passengers from other airlines: contact our ticketing offices or call centre.

** Exception: travel from Brazil to Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay (USD 10) and from Brazil to Chile where the excess baggage charge is USD 15. For more information, contact our ticketing offices or call centre. Travel to Brasil USD10.

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