Megabus USA Checked Baggage Fees 2019 - Checked Bag Weight & Size Limits

Megabus USA Baggage Report Card

Carry-On Allowance7 / 10
Checked Bag Allowance8 / 10
Excess Baggage Fees7 / 10
Overall Grade7.3 / 10 does not check luggage or provide receipts for luggage transported on the bus by the passenger. Customers are advised that will accept up to ONE (1) piece of luggage per passenger.

For guidance this must not exceed 62 inches when adding the total exterior dimensions of the piece (length + width + height) and should not weigh more than 50 pounds. [AMZ asins='B00LB7REFK,B082K8ZNQ1,B07ZWLQF9T,B00NW62PCA']

Luggage is subject to inspection when crossing international borders. You will be asked to declare any items subject to duty upon crossing the border. Passengers must claim their luggage at the border crossing point for clearance through customs before being allowed to proceed across the border. No luggage is allowed across the border unless claimed by a passenger.

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[AMZ asins='B00LB7REFK,B082K8ZNQ1,B07ZWLQF9T,B00NW62PCA']