Donbassaero Checked Baggage Fees 2011 - Checked Bag Weight & Size Limits

Donbassaero Baggage Report Card

Carry-On Allowance8 / 10
Checked Bag Allowance7 / 10
Excess Baggage Fees8 / 10
Overall Grade7.7 / 10

Checked baggage may weigh up to 30 kg for first-class passengers and up to 20 kg for economy class passengers.

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For passenger baggage that in a packed form exceed dimensions over 50x50x100cm, charges are payable on the set price, regardless of weight of other luggage transported.

Norms of free baggage allowance does not apply to:
Passenger belongings that are not placed in suitcases, bags, boxes, regardless of their name and assigned weight per piece depending on the class service (economy, business);
Televisions, tape recorders, radios with weight of one piece more than 10 kg;
Flowers, plants, edible herbs, dried plants, trees and branches
Bushes total weight over 5 kg;
Animals (domestic or wild), birds, bees and other animals, except for guide dogs accompanying blind

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