Air Antilles Checked Baggage Fees 2019 - Checked Bag Weight & Size Limits

Air Antilles Baggage Report Card

Carry-On Allowance6 / 10
Checked Bag Allowance7 / 10
Excess Baggage Fees7 / 10
Overall Grade6.7 / 10

Baggage Allowance on Air Antilles depends on your fare-type. "BEST" fares do not allow any free checked baggage allowance, and a checked bag may be purchased for a flat fee of 25 EUR, either pre-purchased or at the airport.

COOL, FLEX, and SUPER Air Antilles fares all include a free bag of 23kg/50lbs. [AMZ asins='B00LB7REFK,B082K8ZNQ1,B07ZWLQF9T,B00NW62PCA']

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