SCUBA Gear Fees SCUBA Diving Equipment Policy 2023
Airline Name
Sport SCUBA Diving Equipment
Accepts SCUBA Diving Equipment? Yes
Counts Toward Baggage Allowance? No
Cost 30 GBP
View Regular Baggage Policies 2023
View SCUBA Diving Equipment Policies for Other Airlines

SCUBA Diving Equipment may be accepted on your flight upon payment of the sports equipment fee - this is typically 30 GBP, but may vary slightly depending on the origin/destination of your flight.

Your diving equipment may include:
One empty air tank, with cylinder(s) open
Maximum of two buoyancy control jackets
Diver’s knife blade must be under 6cm [AMZ asins='B00NIYJF6U,B001PB6R4Q,B009F1924K,B00ZHPLCS2']

Diving equipment on is limited in weight to 22 kg / 48.5 lbs, with excess weight charged at a rate of 12 GBP per KG. No bag may weigh more than 32 kg / 70 lbs.

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[AMZ asins='B00NIYJF6U,B001PB6R4Q,B009F1924K,B00ZHPLCS2']